‘About this item””ãPortable ShiatsuãThe akupressur clip is a compact Shiatsu device that applies pressure to the LI4 Shiatsu point on your hand, located between your thumb and index finger. Relieve migraines, reduce tension and anxiety, relieve stress.””ãSafe and Effectiveãakupressur clip harmonizes body energy by applying pressure on the L14 acupuncture point and activating stimulation points, thereby releasing blockages; for those looking for relief from recurring headaches, migraines, eye problems and fever pains An all-natural, drug-free option. Migraine Clip can also help strengthen your immune system.””ãEasy to UseãThe Migraine Clip weighs only 6 grams and can be carried anywhere, unlike other bulky massage tools (such as acupressure pads). Carry the akupressur clip to play the piano, practice yoga or anything else and it won’t be hindered throughout the day.””ãBest UsageãUse once on each hand for about 5 minutes or use both hands at the same time or until pain and headache are relieved. Simply place the device on the LI4 acupressure point where you want it to fit snugly. Some people have used this device for a long time and have always felt comfortable with the device.””ãBest Customer ServiceãWe are committed to providing the best service to every customer, if you have any questions about our products, you can contact us, we will answer your questions within 24 hours, we provide full For a refund or replacement product service, don’t worry. Do not use our acupressure clips if you are pregnant or allergic to nylon.”’
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